June 14, 2020

We want to be world travelers.

This picture is irrelevant. This post just needed a picture. We were babies though. This was my 21st birthday many many years ago.

David and I had plans and still do to this day to travel.
A lot.
Obviously that's been put on a hold a bit due to small children and you know, his military commitment.
Pish posh kinds of things. (I kid, I kid).

But once he retires and the kids are out of the house we fully intend on becoming world travelers!
Sorry kiddos, don't expect to live with us forever! *wink*

Anyway, I've talked about traveling before.
I've shared tips, had guest posts, talked a little bit about fliying from Alaska to Georgia and then driving the seven hours to Tennessee.
You can read about all of that mess here.

But I don't think I've ever really talked about all the great places that David and I plan on going.
While he's in the army we actually sort of hope to live in Hawaii for a bit and maybe Germany.
David has tried many many a times to convince me to move to Japan.
I tell him that I am just very unsure of living in Japan.

As unsure of where we want to live, it's the exact opposite when it comes to where we want to travel.
We know that we want to eventually travel through Europe, tour Vienna, spend some time in Ireland, etc etc.
I know that the accents will just make me all weak in the knees.
I know that the different food will please David.
And I'm super thankful for the internet where planning trips like that becomes easier.
On venere.com we can book hotels and compare prices, check availability, etc etc.
It makes planning for the future trips easier when we are able to get a budget in mind.
Plus it's just really really fun to sit and think about our future traveling plans and it's a nice little bonding thing we do to browse traveling sites and learn random tidbits about the places that we'll eventually travel to.

Do you guys have future travel plans?
Where have you been so far?
Do you daydream about it like we do?


Megan Brink said...

Okay, SO one thing: I'm married to a David, and so I feel the need to carelessly mention that to you. Because you know, we apparently have another thing in common in this bloggy world.

Two:I would LOVE to travel to Europe. I think the experience would be amazing!



Neri said...

Traveling while in the military is AWESOME! You get to live in different countries and that makes it so much cheaper (coming from a cheap-o). lol When I get rid of the kids (seriously jk), we plan on spending a long time in France. I'm off to "dream on".

Have an awesome weekend!

Neri said...

Traveling while in the military is AWESOME! You get to live in different countries and that makes it so much cheaper (coming from a cheap-o). lol When I get rid of the kids (seriously jk), we plan on spending a long time in France. I'm off to "dream on".

Have an awesome weekend!

Tawnys Tid Bits said...

Ahh!!! I want to travel!!! One thing you must do though... a cruise! Sooooo much fun! You know they have like 100+ day cruises? I searched once... I mean... where would you put all your clothes?!?!

Brandy said...

Wanderlust consumes me.
We talk about where we'd like to go all the time. Outside of the US we want to go to The UK, all of it, England and Scotland. & Then we want to go over to Ireland.
My hubs also really wanted/wants to go to Japan (only to visit though) but I'm like ehhh, I just don't know about that..
We've also talked about Italy & France. And maybe Brazil.
As far as in the US, I want to go to NY, L.A., Vegas, & I want to go to Disney World, and to a lot of the historical & other sites, like to Philly to see the liberty bell, out West to see Mt. Rushmore, etc..
& that's just scratching the surface.
I daydream about it all the time. haha.

Jenn said...

Girl, I dream of traveling on the daily! Sometimes, I watch youtube videos (like I did today) so that I could just learn the history of countries I want to go to!

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