June 21, 2020

The McCain Family Summer Bucket List

Happy Friday guys.
Since today is the first day of summer, it seemed only appropriate to share with you our summer bucket list!! YAY!!!

(Summer started a while ago here in Georgia but ya know)

1. A trip to the zoo.

     Ours is about 2 hours away so hopefully we'll go at least once.

2. Lots of library trips.

     Duh! Reading, out of the house, checking out movies, all around fun!

3. Story time.
     Our local library does a story time-10am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

4. Make unpoppable/bouncing bubbles.
     Found here.

5. Bubble bath pool.
     My mom did this for us as kids, just put dishsoap in your kiddie pool! HOURS of fun!

6. Colorful pool days!
     I'm thinking food coloring + water = more hours of fun!

7. Backyard picnics.
     I don't know about your kids, but mine just love the idea of picnics. Take a blanket, some snacks & go!

8. Beach trip.
     I'm thinking a trip to Panama City or Destin is in order. Both are about three hours away so not too bad.

9. Six flags.
     Our closest is barely 2 hours away and what kid isn't thrilled with the idea of an amusement park?!

10. Pool trips.
     Our local pool is FREE so heck yeah we'll be there!

11. Make our own water table.
     I'm thinking anything to do with water is a huge win!

12. Sidewalk Chalk Spray.
     Found here.

13. Exploding sidewalk chalk.
     Found here.

14. Make our own bouncy balls.
     Found here.

15. Make glowing chalk.
     Found here.

16.  Mini carnival.
     Using this pin here.  And here.  And here.

17. Nature scavenger hunt.
     Idea found here.

18. Lots of movie nights!!
    Netflix DVD's in the mail are great. Add popcorn and soda as a special treat! We like ice cream floats!

19. Make popsicles.
     Like these.

20. Water balloon fight!

21. Make s'mores!
22. Get treats from the Ice Cream Truck.
23. Water paint!

24. Fireworks!

25. Bubble snakes!!

26. Water balloon pinata.

27. Lots and lots of baking/making delicious treats.
     We plan to make these, these, these and these AT LEAST!
28. Alphabet hop scotch.

29. Cloud gazing.

30. Tie Dye 4th of July shirts!
Like these! How cute, huh?!

AND this week's good deed was actually done by David.
We managed to squeeze in a date night while his parents were here. (SO thankful for that/them!)
While at the theater, David was so disgusted by the fact that a bunch of soldiers had just left their trash all over the place instead of just tossing it in the trash can they'd pass on the door out, that before the movie started, he went around and threw away all the popcorn buckets, sodas, and candy boxes he saw.

So what good deeds did you perform this week?!


Jenn said...

Y'all are seriously the sweetest people. And I love your summer bucket list! Sounds like a lot of fun to be had!

Jessica | Living La Vida Holoka said...

I always try and clean up my theater mess. No one likes a messy, sticky floor and stepping on other movie-goer's leftovers! Such a nice, simple gesture. :)

Your bucket list sounds like so much fun!

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